This section provides a complete list of Intention Actions available in IntelliJ IDEA.
General Intention Actions
- 'Add Method Body' Add default method body for the non-abstract method without body
- 'Add on-demand/single static imports' Add import statement for static classes and class members (Java SDK 1.5)
- 'Add
@Override modifier' Add @Override if there is an overridden method in your code (Java SDK 1.5)
- 'Add return statement' Add 'return default value' statement into the end of the method with missing return
- 'Add type cast' Insert cast to required type in assignment/return/variable initializer/switch selector/array
initializer/case statements with incompatible types involved
- 'Adjust package name' Change a package name to reflect Java file path
- 'Delete catch' Delete unused/redundant catch clause for try statement
- 'Implement methods' Implement methods for the class
- 'Fix Method return' Change method return type according to return statement type or overridden method return
- 'Fix method throws' Adjust method throws list according to overridden method throws list
- 'Move catch up' Move catch clause for try statement up to avoid 'exception has already been caught' message
(E.g. move catch (IOException) before catch (Exception))
- 'Move class to separate file' Move public top-level class to file with corresponding name
- 'Move to package' Move file containing wrong package statement to corresponding package
- 'Must be final fix' Correct problem when accessing non-final variable from inside inner class:
whether 1) to a make variable offended final or 2) to introduce a new final variable, copy there an original variable
value and to use a new final variable inside an inner class or 3) Transform a variable into a final one-element
array and use its first element in an inner class
- 'Optimize imports' Invoke 'optimize imports' action when unused import package statements detected
- 'Remove redundant cast' Remove cast from expression when it is not necessary
- 'Super method return fix' Change super methods return type according to overriding method return type
- 'Surround with try catch' Surround selected statements with try/catch statement, generating corresponding catch
- 'Variable type fix' Change variable type in declaration when assignment/initializer with incompatible type
- 'Add exception to throws' Add unhandled exception to the enclosing method throws list
- 'Create field from parameter' Create class field based on the unused constructor parameter
- 'Create class from new' Create class based on the new expression usage pattern
- 'Create class from usage' Create class based on its usage pattern
- 'Create constructor from new' Create a constructor for existing class based on the new expression usage pattern
- 'Create field from usage' Create new field based on its usage pattern
- 'Create local from usage' Create new local variable based on its usage pattern
- 'Create parameter from usage' Create new method parameter based on its usage pattern
- 'Create method from usage' Create new method based on its usage pattern
- 'Create getter/setter from usage' Create new accessor based on its usage pattern
- 'Implement abstract method' Implement a selected abstract method in corresponding class(es)
- 'Rename Reference' Rename all usages of the unresolved reference to point to the most appropriate
variable/class/method in given context.
- 'Invert if condition' Swap 'then' and 'else' branches in if statement and invert its condition
- 'Split declaration' Convert variable declaration with initializer into blank variable declaration with the following
assignment/Convert single-line declaration of several variables into separate declarations
- 'Split if action' Convert if statement containing ORed (||) or ANDed (&&) expressions into two if statements
- 'Add exception to catch' Add catch clause for unhandled exception to the existing try statement
- 'Implement interface/abstract class' Create class implementing interface/abstract class selected
- 'Fetch external resource' Fetch external resource referenced from XML file
- 'Ignore external resource' Ignore subsequent external resource references from XML file
- Make an abstract class with no abstract methods declared non abstract when trying to instantiate
- Make class with abstract methods declared abstract
- Make class not final when trying to inherit from it
- Make top-level class not public when declared in a file with wrong name
- Make static field/method/class initializer declared in inner class not static
- Make inner class with static field/method/class initializer declared static
- Make final variable not final when trying to assign value to adjust method access level (public/package local/protected)
according to overridden method level
- Make final super method not final when trying to override
- Make method abstract when a body is missing
- Make overridden method (not)static when overriding method is (not)static
- Make overriding method (not)static when overridden method is (not)static
- Make field/method/class protected/package local/public when trying to access from different access level context
- Delete modifier conflicting with other modifier (e.g. abstract final)
- Delete not allowed modifier (e.g. private local class)
- Make field/method/class static when accessing from the static context
Intention Actions in EJBs
- for EJB Interface (including EJB Remote, Local, Remote Home, Local Home)
- make interface not final
- make interface extend corresponding javax.ejb.XXX interface (EJBHome/EJBLocalHome/EJBObject/EJBLocalObject)
- for EJB Remote-involved class (including EJB Remote Interface, Remote Home interface)
- make method throw java.rmi.RemoteException
- for EJB Local-involved class (including EJB Local Interface, Local Home interface)
- make method not throw java.rmi.RemoteException
- for EJB Home (including Remote Home, Local Home)
- add create method
- add findByPrimaryKey to EntityBean Home
- make findByPrimaryKey method return corresponding component interface
- make create method throw CreateException
- make create method return corresponding component interface
- make finder method throw FinderException
- make finder method return component interface or Collection or Enumeration
- for EJB Local interface
- make CMR field getter return corresponding EJB local interface
- make CMR field setter receive corresponding EJB local interface
- for EJB Class
- make class implement corresponding javax.ejb.*Bean interface (SessionBean/EntityBean/MessageDrivenBean)
- make class public
- make class not final
- make EB CMP 2.0 class abstract, make all other not abstract
- create public no-args constructor
- make MB class implement javax.jms.MessageListener
- create corresponding ejbPostCreateXXX() method for existing ejbCreateXXX() in EB
- create corresponding ejbCreateXXX() method for existing ejbPostCreateXXX()
- make create method public
- make create method not final
- make create method not abstract
- make create method throw CreateException
- make create method return PK (for EB) or void
- create CMP/CMR field accessors for CMP EB
- make CMP/CMR field accessors abstract (not abstract for CMP 1.x)
- make CMP/CMR field getter return type which corresponding setter receives
- make CMP/CMR field setter receive type which corresponding getter returns
- make CMR field getter return corresponding EJB local interface/Collection/Set
- make CMR field setter receive corresponding EJB local interface/Collection/Set
- make ejbSelect not abstract
- make ejbSelect throw FinderException
- make Business,create,finder methods and method implementations from SessionBean/EntityBean/MessageDrivenBean
interfaces not throw RemoteException
- make static field final